Florida Aviation Historical Society

Contact Us


Albert Whitted Airport
 451 8th Avenue SE
Saint Petersburg, FL, 33701
Phone: 727-822-1532

FAHS meets the first Saturday of each month, unless otherwise noted, at the Albert Whitted Airport Preservation Society, Albert Whitted Airport, at 10:30 AM. All members are invited to attend.


President: Mary Fletchermfletch3@tampabay.rr.com

Vice-President: Ron Streichera51mustang@aol.com

Secretary: Tom Noceratomnocera@yahoo.com

Treasurer: Barbara Strachan sbarscan@gmail.com



Neil Cosentino | neil.cosentino@icloud.com

Rui Farias| St. Pete Museum of History | rui@spmoh.org

Nicole Scott | NASA Astronaut | nicole.p.stott@gmail.com

© Florida Aviation Historical Society Inc. 2023

 Florida Aviation Historical SocietyAlbert Whitted Airport, 451 8th Avenue SE, St. Petersburg, FL 33701

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